Peter Colstee: the Artpage



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painting by Peter Colstee of still life with embroidery painting by Peter Colstee of still life with embroidery painting by Peter Colstee of still life with embroidery painting by Peter Colstee of still life with embroidery Oil painting by Peter Colstee of one eye in clouds Oil painting by Peter Colstee of one eye in clouds painting by Peter Colstee of still life with embroidery painting by Peter Colstee of still life with embroidery painting by Peter Colstee of still life with embroidery Oil painting by Peter Colstee of one eye in clouds Oil painting by Peter Colstee of one eye in clouds Oil painting by Peter Colstee of head with holes Oil painting by Peter Colstee of head with frames painting by Peter Colstee of still life with embroidery painting by Peter Colstee of still life with embroidery painting by Peter Colstee of still life with frame and head Boat by Peter Colstee Oil painting by Peter Colstee of dark portrait of boy Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boy with green eyes Oil painting by Peter Colstee of maroc boy portrait Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boy with blue feather Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boy with glasses monocle Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boy on beach Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boy with red hair Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boy with earbutton Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boy with earbutton Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boy with earbutton Work by Peter Colstee of roman head Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boy with earbutton Oil painting by Peter Colstee of portrait of boy with white binocle Oil painting by Peter Colstee of portrait of boy with white crown Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boyportrait of dark man Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boyportrait of english student Oil painting by Peter Colstee of two boys whispering Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boyportrait with paper crown Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boyportrait in dark profile Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boyportrait overexposed Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boyportrait in light blue Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boyportrait in pinl sweater Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boyportrait with open eyes in red Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boyportrait with closed eyes in blue Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boyportrait with black dots Oil painting by Peter Colstee of boyportrait with black dots Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a boy with a kerchief Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a boy with a golden crown Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a portrait with spiral and black circle Oil painting by Peter Colstee with portrait and yellow star in pink background Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a sleeping boyface in full color Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a boy with yellow-red jacket Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a head in dark blue background Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a light boysportrait with long hair in dark background Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a boysportrait with flat hair in orange background Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a boy in light colors with a rope of pearls going upward against gravity Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a portrait of a young man bending his head backwards in grey blue background colors Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a portrait of a young man watching stoical and serene towards the spectator with a flower growing on his chest in light grey background color Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a portrait of a boy in close up looking with a very realistic painted eye towards you Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a portrait of a boy on the back with a tattoo Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a portrait of a boy floating in the surroundings with black hair and grey background Oil painting by Peter Colstee with a realistic painted bottle half face of a boy with text like a poster for drinks Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a portrait of a boy floating in dripping paint like a stoical and serene mask Oil painting by Peter Colstee of a nude boy with a red boa around his neck looking to the spectator in light purple background colors Acrylic painting by Peter Colstee of a swimmer looking very tired in simple lines and forms

Eight dark portraits

dark portait by Peter Colstee dark portait by Peter Colstee dark portait by Peter Colstee dark portait by Peter Colstee dark portait by Peter Colstee dark portait by Peter Colstee dark portait by Peter Colstee dark portait by Peter Colstee


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