Peter Colstee: the Artpage



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Collage by Peter Colstee Collage by Peter Colstee Collage by Peter Colstee Collage by Peter Colstee Collage by Peter Colstee Collage by Peter Colstee Collage by Peter Colstee Collage by Peter Colstee Collage by Peter Colstee Drawing on paper with acrylic by Peter Colstee ink drawing of black square with bottle ink drawing of black triangle with two balls ink drawing of black circle with boy ink drawing of table with ladder Abstract oil painting by Peter Colstee with four white balls in space Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee with black circle Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee with little houses Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee with little houses Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee of a skull Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee of a boy going out in the night Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee with a person peeping through a window Drawing on paper with oil paint by Peter Colstee Drawing on paper with oil paint by Peter Colstee of a simple line house with two big yellow paintdots Drawing on paper with paint by Peter Colstee about an abstract blue cloud half before the white moon in a dark background Drawings on paper in a possible combination by Peter Colstee Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee with a small black cloud and lines Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee of a line drawing of a person shitting Drawing on paper with paint by Peter Colstee with white egg shell on blue background looks like univers with stars Drawing on paper with different materials by Peter Colstee with two mountains in a green blue landscape Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee with two mountains in a landscape Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee of a black form in the middle of the paper Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with flying crosses and a handprint Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee of a laughing face in dark, wild surrounings Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee with a big black square and a small round form above it, connected with a line circle Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with 3 blue dots and 6 black dots like a T form Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee with a black form scratched with ink with a black cross in the middle of it Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with prints of little human beings in a field of color and forms Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with one littel human being walking over a round bridge Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee with many prints of peolple over each other as a crowded world Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee with two black cicles with a erasure of black line circles over it Drawing on paper with ink and acrylic paintby Peter Colstee of a floating black chair in a kind of cave with blue water Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with a blue transparant table with a still life on it in ink lines Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with an eye and black forms and ink spots Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with line drawings and words with no meaning Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with two white rectangles with round forms in it on black background looks like planets Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with printed black circles on wet blue background color Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with black spot at the bottom and floating crosses and inkspots like a landscape Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with a little chair and inkspots in light surroundings Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with two birds fucking and a skull of a bird in front Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee with a form that looks like a seed on white background color Drawing on paper with peaces of black cut paper by Peter Colstee with a good composition on a white background Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee of a fine chair in lines Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee of an hour-glass or sand-glass on white background Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with with a small orange bottle with japanese text on it and memory Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee with a simple form of a male person with a hard dick Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with the silhouette of a white sailing boat in a dark background Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with a form of a black box with different circles and black dots in it Drawing on paper with ink by Peter Colstee of a window with bars on a white background Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee of grapes with the number nine on white background Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with a black form looks like a flower Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee different forms spread over the paper in a good composition Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with an abstract form and ink and paint spots Drawing on paper with ink and a newspaper photo by Peter Colstee with black dots and open cicles with floating person Drawing on paper with ink, glue and paint by Peter Colstee with two black circles and open circles Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with ink dots in wet paint Drawing on paper with ink and paint by Peter Colstee with ink dots and ink splashes


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